What Are Ya Reading?

Let me encourage you to Have a daily Bible reading / study  time, it is a must to stay close to our Lord.   Joshua 1:8    "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

Our goal for this page is to give you good Bible study sites. Along with what others at Heritage are reading and finding encouraging to them.

The Golden Path to Successful Personal Soul Winning by John R. Rice,  Been reading it since Pastor gave it to me in January!  Now I am almost done.   I just read a paragraph here and there each day, sometimes a little more.  But it is a really good basic refresher on the importance of personal witnessing for the Lord.  Brother Rice makes a lot of good points and sprinkles the book liberally with many personal anecdotes and testimonies.  Worth Reading!  Thanks, Pastor!

10 Best Decisions Every Parent Can Make       by Bill and Pam Farrel
         "A wonderful parent from the first page on, we will be using ideas from this book in our M/M Difference class. My only regret is that they don't use KJV and I have to look each verse up. But it has really given me great ideas in parenting"  Mrs. Amy Neel

Gladys Aylward - The Little Woman    by Gladys Aylward/Christine Hunter
        "This is a story of a regular woman who went  to China to tell them about Christ. Going alone, with no support in the 1940's. Real encouragement to me in answered prayer and how one person can make a difference -great book"           Lynn Hileman

Marriage is a Commitment      by Jack Hyles
          "It is a refreshing look at marriage and a scriptual guide on our duties as a spouse (husband or wife) to have a successful marriage."      Mrs. Amy Neel

 The Remarkable Record of Job by Henry M. Morris.  It attests to the historicity of a man named Job, who finally realizes that God cannot be figured out but he can be trusted.  Job wonders why he is being tested, wondering what he has done to deserve this punishment but finally realizing to trust in God means to accept and know that God will make it right. There are also reflections of history and scientific insights about creation.               Gail Mahar

 Creation and the Second Coming      by Henry M. Morris written 1991
Well written and informative        Laura Quintal

 A Treasury of Hymn Stories   by Amos R. Wells     written in 1945  Great stories about where many of our favorite hymns come from. How old was Fanny Crosby when she wrote her 1st hymn?...46! wow, there is hope for me after all!                 Lynn Hileman

 "A Woman's Place" by Lynn Austin.  The book is about a group of four women from different backgrounds who went to work in the factories during WWII.  It was so good, I found two others by the same author.  The one I am currently reading is about a young widow trying to raise her three children on a farm in the early 1930's.  I  found the books in  the Nashua library in the Religious Fiction section.  It is wonderful to read stories about real life situations without vivid descriptions of sexual encounters or sexual inuendoes.           Gail S. Mahar

Have you read the Al Lacy books? They are wonderful reading with a little History, fiction, and Love story inserted. They are GREAT!
  • For children - The Mandy series there's like 80 books total. They are Mysteries with a moral to the story at the end.

    "Elsie" is really good also. They could be children up to adults.Paula Nofsinger Seavey


"Lies Women Believe" by Nancy DeMoss - Great Study book! taught this in our Ladies S.S. class as a series. lynn hileman


Please, call or email me and let me know 'what are ya reading'. lynn.hileman@yahoo.com


Web sites for study:

BibleGateway.com    -    Mrs. Laurie Gentile

Other books recommended:
The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible      -       Br. Hal Mahar