The Book of Mark Feb. 15th - March 29th 2018

THURSDAY Feb. 21st7:00   That all may learn: read Mark 1, 2, & 3

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …the multitude… …said unto him, Behold, thy mother, and thy brethren… Who did Jesus say was his …brother, and… …sister, and mother…?



2.     What did David do that was …not lawful… for him to do?



3.     And there came a leper to… Jesus.  How do we know the leper believed the Lord Jesus could heal him?    



4.     Did …the Pharisees… and …the Herodians… care about healing the man …which had a withered hand…?



5.     Jesus knows what we are …reasoning in… our …hearts…   Who did Jesus perceive …reasoned within themselves… whether he could …forgive sins…?



6.    And John [the Baptist] was clothed with… what?



7.     Is …the doctor… in the house?  Who did Jesus say had …need of the doctor…?



8.     Did …Simon [Peter] and Andrew… live in the same house?  Who was sick in that house?



9.     …And the scribes… … said, He hath Beelzebub…  Who is Beelzebub? 



10.     What did the …unclean spirits… who …fell down before him… say about Jesus? 




THURSDAY Feb. 28th 7:00  That all may learn: read Mark 4, 5, & 6

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Were there many carried …about in beds… in Gennesaret…?



2.     When the 12 year old …damsel arose, and walked, what did Jesus …command… theme them to give her?



3.     Did Jesus ever sleep …in the hinder part of the ship…?    



4.     When Jesus was …walking upon the sea… …he saw them toiling in rowing… against a contrary wind, was he going to walk right past them?



5.     When certain… …came from… Jairus’ house and said …Thy daughter is dead, what did Jesus say to Jairus?



6.    ...if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep, and rise night and day…  will the man know how …the seed should spring and grow up…?



7.     Where is A prophet… …without honor…?



8.    What did the …man with an unclean spirit … do …night and day… 



9.     Where were the seeds sown that the Lord said …endure but for a time… and …afterward… they are offended…?



10.     Jesus asked the unclean spirit… …What is thy name?  What was his reply?     


THURSDAY March 8th 7:00  That all may learn: read Mark 10, 11, & 12

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday

DUE TO SNOW this lesson will be done on March 22 nd


1.     …Beware the scribes…   What did Jesus say the scribes love?



2.     Who …answered discretely… and what did Jesus he was …not far from?



3.       Who wrote …a bill of divorcement?  From where does divorce come?    



4.     A rich young man came …running… and …kneeled… down before the Lord, and asked what vitally important question?



5.     When Jesus came …from Bethany, he was hungry… What did our Lord find on the …fig tree…?



6.    Where was the colt… Jesus rode into Jerusalem tied?



7.     Jesus did not want us to …exercise lordship… and …authority… in the same manner as what people?



8.     A woman had seven different husbands.  In the resurrection… …whose wife shall she be…?



9.     When blind Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus, from where was our Lord coming?



10.     What did Jesus tell us would happen to our trespasses, if we …do not forgive… others?    


THURSDAY March 29th 7:00  That all may learn: read Mark 13, 14, 15, & 16

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Jesus arose from the dead on what …day of the week…?



2.     What did Jesus answer when …the chief priests accused him…?



3.       Where was Jesus when the woman poured …an alabaster box of ointment… …on his head…?    



4.     Who were the four apostles with the Lord when he told them that …these great buildings… shall …be thrown down…?



5.     Did our Lord Jesus first appear …unto the eleven… apostles?



6.    Whom did Pilate ask if Jesus had been any while dead [already died]?



7.    Where was Peter when …the cock crew [crowed]?



8.     No one knows …of that day and that hour… when the Lord will return.  What one-word instruction did Jesus …say unto all…?



9.     as they sat and did eat… the disciples …began to be sorrowful…   What question troubled them?



10.     What is …The place of a skull?    
