Past Bible Studies Matthew - Revelation


THURSDAY 7:00 August 24th That all may learn: read Acts 25, 26, 27 & 28

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday



THURSDAY 7:00 August 17th That all may learn: read Acts 22, 23, & 24

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Since Satan is …the accuser of our brethren… what might we conclude about …a certain orator named Tertullus…?



2.     Who …came… …with an army, and rescued… Paul from …the Jews… who vowed to kill him?



3.     Paul saw …a great light… and …heard a voice… about what time of day?    



4.   When …the chief captain took… the young man …by the hand…, what did the captain ask …Paul’s sister’s son…?



5.     When he answered …the governor…, what did Paul say about …the things whereof they...accused him?



6.    You are …chosen…, Ananias told Paul.  By whom was Saul …chosen…?



7.     Which religious group said …there is no resurrection…?



8.     Did Felix command …a centurion to keep Paul… in solitary confinement?



9.     Was Paul a Roman?  Did Paul, like the chief captain, have to pay …a great sum… for his citizenship? 



10.     Why did the chief captain command …the soldiers… …to take him [Paul] by force from among… the dissenters? 



That all may learn: read Acts 19, 20, & 21

THURSDAY August 10th 7:00 Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Where was the apostle Paul …given… …license [permission]… to speak?



2.     The disciples at Tyre brought their …wives and children… to say good-by to Paul.  What did they all do on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea?



3.     What did God do with Paul’s …handkerchiefs… and …aprons…?    



4.    …the townclerk… …said, Ye men of Ephesus… …do nothing rashly.  Why were the Ephesians upset?



5.     Name the seven men who …accompanied… Paul …into Asia...



6.    Paul told the brethren …ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus… What were the words Paul told them to remember?




7.     What did the …seven sons of one Sceva… learn about exorcism?




8.     How did the disciples react when Paul brought the young man who …fell down from the third loft… back to life?



9.     …the Jews which were of Asia… saw Paul in the temple and accused him of polluting …this holy place…  Of what did they accuse Paul? 



10.     John’s baptism… was …the baptism of repentance.  Did Paul ever re-baptize   …in the name of the Lord Jesus…? 



THURSDAY AUGUST 3rd 7:00 That all may learn: read Acts 16, 17, & 18

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What did the keeper of the prison say to Paul and Silas when he …brought them out…?  



2.     For …three sabbath days… where did Paul reason with the Jews …out of the scriptures…?



3.     How did some of the Athenians react …when they heard of the resurrection of the dead…?    



4.    What did …the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium… think of Timotheus?



5.     Paul, Aquila and Priscilla were craftsmen of what trade?



6.    Where did the decrees come from that Paul and Timothy delivered?



7.     What are two of the great qualities …a certain Jew named Apollos... had?



8.     What specifically was Paul doing when he …went over all the country of Galatia and Phrygia…?



9.     God is no longer winking …because he hath appointed a day, in which he will… do what? 



10.     Does every living thing get …life, and breath… from God? 



THURSDAY JULY 20th 7:00 That all may learn: read Acts 13, 14, & 15

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Did John the Baptist fulfill [complete] …his course [work]?  



2.     Was there ever …contention… between Paul and Barnabas?



3.     Who ordained …elders in every church… in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch?  Does Heritage Baptist Church ordain?    



4.    Who …shook off the dust their feet…, and why did they do this?



5.     Did God …in times past…, suffer [allow] …all nations to walk in their own ways…?



6.    Were there people that preached Moses …in the synagogues every sabbath day…?  What does this mean?



7.     When Paul was in Iconium, did …the unbelieving Jews… stir up a lot of trouble?



8.     Who was this …child of the Devil… who would …not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord…?



9.     …certain men which came down from Judea… taught …ye cannot be saved… …Except ye be…what? 



10.     God …gave unto them judges… for how many years? 




Thursday 7:00 July 13 th That all may learn: read Acts 10, 11, & 12

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     When …Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem…, who did they bring with them?  



2.     Agabus said something would happen …throughout all the world: which came to pass…  What happened?



3.     Did Jesus …eat and drink… …after he rose from the dead…? 



4.    After Peter escaped, what did Herod want to do to …the soldiers… who …kept the prison…?



5.     When …the hand of the Lord was with them…, what occurred in Antioch?



6.    What happened to Cornelius …at the ninth hour… when he was praying?



7.     What …was done three times… in Peter’s vision, and what was he to learn from it?



8.     Concerning Cornelius, what was …come up for a memorial before God…?



9.     James and John were fishermen who left their father to follow Jesus.  What happened to James the brother of John? 



10.     Rhoda …knew Peter’s voice…  Why didn’t she open …the door of the gate… when he knocked? 



 Thursday July 6th 7:00:   answers will be posted after Thurs.

That all may learn: read Acts 7, 8, & 9

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Peter …tarried [stayed] many days in Joppa...  With whom did Peter tarry?  



2.     Was there a …church [a called out assembly, a congregation] in the wilderness…?



3.     What did …a man of Ethiopia… …in his chariot… not understand? 



4.    What did …the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush… tell Moses to do?



5.     What two questions did Saul ask the Lord Jesus when Jesus appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus?



6.    Was there a …burial… after Stephen was stoned to death?



7.     …The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham… …and said… what …unto him…?



8.     Did any of …the people of Samaria… listen to or believe in Simon as he …used sorcery, and bewitched… them?



9.     When …Tabitha… …called Dorcas… …was sick, and died…, where did they put her? 


10.     Why did …the patriarchs… sell …Joseph into Egypt…? 



THURSDAY June 29th 7:00   That all may learn: read Acts 4, 5, & 6

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …Herod, and Pontius Pilate…, …the Gentiles…, and …the people of Israel were gathered together… against whom 



2.     Who …set up false witnesses… to testify against Stephen?



3.     How did the apostles react when …they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name…? 



4.     …is there salvation in any other… …name under heaven…?



5.     What did …all [they] that sat in council, looking stedfastly on… Stephen say about his face?



6.     …the young men came in, and found… a dead woman and …buried her by her husband...  What happened to her?



7.     …the angel of the Lord… …opened the prison doors…, and …when the officers came… to get the apostles, what did they discover?



8.     What did …a Pharisee, named Gamaliel… tell us about …Theudas…?



9.     Peter said …we this day be examined… Who examined Peter and John, and why were they examined? 



10.     Name seven men who were chosen to help in the ministry because they were …full of faith and of the Holy Ghost…? 





Revival Thur. Friday June 15th, 16th (No Bible Study questions until the next week)

Thursday JUNE 22nd That all may learn: read Acts 1, 2, & 3

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Was Jesus …taken up…?   Did he ascend …into heaven…?



2.     If we …Repent… …and be converted… what will happen?



3.     Of which men did Peter say …these are not drunken…? 



4.     After Jesus …went up…, how many apostles …went up into an upper room…?



5.     Who said, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up of your brethren, like unto me…?



6.     Whom did …The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob… glorify?



7.     Will the …Holy One… …see corruption?



8.     Who was …chosen… to be ...numbered with the eleven apostles…?



9.     What caused the people to be …pricked in [cut to] their heart? 



10.     There were people …added to the church daily… Who was adding these people? 





Thursday June 8th That all may learn: read Matthew 25, 26, 27, & 28

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Who gave …large money unto the soldiers…, and why?



2.     Pilate …was wont to release… Jesus …for he knew… why they had delivered him.  According to Pilate, what was the reason?



3.     When Jesus told the disciples, …one of you shall betray me…  Did they know who the betrayer would be? 



4.     …the five wise… … went in… and the door was shut.  Who were those who were not permitted to enter?



5.     False news is as old as Genesis.  What resurrection lie was …commonly reported among the Jews…?



6.     Whose idea was it to post guards around the tomb where Jesus lay?



7.     Why did they seek …false witness against Jesus…?



8.     What was …prepared for… the sheep on his right hand… from the foundation of the world…?



9.     Did the apostle Peter think he would …never be offended… …because of… Jesus? 



10.     How many of …the soldiers of the Governor… …gathered… in … the common hall… to mock Jesus





Thursday June 1st That all may learn: read Matthew 21, 22, 23, & 24

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     In the days of Noah, what were people doing …in the days that  were before the flood…?



2.     What did Jesus mean when he said, Ye blind guides… …strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel…?



3.     The king had planned a wedding and dinner …for his son…  Was the affair important to those …bidden [invited]… to attend? 



4.     How do the ...two disciples…, who went …into the village…get the donkey …the Lord hath need of…?



5.     The disciples showed Jesus …the buildings of the temple…  What did our Lord say would happen to those buildings?



6.     What should we do with a dirty ...cup and platter...?



7.     Is …the God of Abraham… …the God of the dead…?



8.     What happened to …the stone which the builders rejected…?



9.     Who ...shut up the kingdom of heaven….? 



10.     Why is that servant… …blessed… …when… his lord …cometh…





Thursday May 18th 7:00 That all may learn: read Matthew 17, 18, 19, & 20

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation…  Why?



2.     What must we always remember about a ...male and female… that …God hath joined together…?



3.     Is offending …one of these little ones which believe in... Jesus a serious offense? 


4.     Did ...Moses and Elias [Elijah]... talk with Jesus?



5.     The …great multitude… wanted the …two blind men sitting by the way side... to do what?


6.     Will ...the last... always last... and the …first... always …be first...?



7.     If a man …neglect to hear the church... concerning a trespass let him be unto thee as a _______ ___ and a ________.


8.     The man’s son was …a lunatick, and sore vexed [suffered terribly]...  The disciples could not cure him.  Why?



9.     Is one stray sheep out of hundred... important enough to ...leave the ninety and nine...? 


10.     When the people brought ...unto... the Lord Jesus  ...little children..., do you think the disciples reaction was appropriate



 THURSDAY May 18th 7:00 That all may learn: read Matthew 13, 14, 15, & 16

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Is our …own soul… worth more than …the whole world…?



2.     What can we learn when …the sky is red…?



3.     Did …this the carpenter’s son… have sisters? 



4.     What is wrong with …this people… who draweth nigh unto… the Lord …with their mouth, and honoureth… him …with their lips…?



5.     What did …the daughter of Herodias… do to prompt Herod …to give her whatsoever she would ask…?



6.     Our Lord explains …the parable of the sower.  What does Jesus tell us becomes of the …seed… …received… …among the thorns…?



7.     Who …sowed… …the tares… in  …the field… that …is the world…?


8.     Why did Herod arrest John the baptizer…and put him in prison…?



9.     In one word, why was the apostle Peter …beginning to sink… when …he walked on the water, to go to Jesus…? 



10.     Was Jesus concerned about the physical needs of …the multitude… that had followed him for …three days…, and… had …nothing to eat…?  




MAY 11th 7:00 Thursday Night That all may learn: read Matthew 9, 10, 11, & 12

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man… what is he unable to find?



2.     What …things… did John’s disciples ...shew John again… to show him that Jesus was the Christ?



3.     Does Jesus …the son of man… have …power on earth to forgive sins…? 



4.     …he… …called unto him his twelve disciples… What were their names?



5.     Why do we not put …a piece of new cloth unto an old garment…?



6.     Who was the …woman which was diseased with an issue of blood…talking to just before she was healed?



7.     What will …The men of Nineveh… and …The queen of the south… do?



8.     Why did Jesus …upbraid… two cities where …mighty works… …were done…?



9.     What should we remember about …a cup of cold water…? 




10.     Why should we not fear …them which kill the body…?  



May 4th 7:00 Thursday That all may learn: read Matthew 5, 6, 7, & 8

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What did Jesus tell us about …the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees…?



2.     If we cast our …pearls before swine…, what will the swine do



3.     What did the …two possessed with devils… cry out when they met Jesus? 



4.     What is special about these blessed people who …shall be called the children of God?



5.     How do we know that the people of …the country of the Gergesenes… were more concerned about their swine than they were about the …two possessed with devils…?



6.     Who …said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof…?



7.     What was amazing about the house …founded [built] upon a rock



8.    …there arose a great tempest in the sea… and …the ship was covered with the waves…   What was Jesus doing?



9.     How can a person …be called great in the kingdom of heaven? 



10.   Why are we unable to …serve two masters…?  



Thursday April 27 7:00 That all may learn: read Matthew 1, 2, 3, & 4

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What did …The people which sat in darkness… see?



2.     …fourteen generations…  Why is that number important



3.     Then Herod… …was exceeding wroth [furious]…  Why? 



4.     …was Jesus led… …of the Spirit… ever tempted by the devil?



5.     After Jesus …was baptized… what did …a voice from heaven… say?



6.     Herod’s son …did reign in Judea in the room of his father…   What was Herod’s son’s name?



7.     John the Baptist said …he that cometh after me is mightier than I...  What did John say about Jesus …shoes…



8.    …Jesse begat [was the father of] David…  Who was the father of Jesse?



9.     Herod told …the wise men… …Go and search diligently for the young child…  Why did these wise men rejoice …with exceeding great joy? 



10.   What …is laid unto the root of the trees… …which bringeth not forth good fruit…? 



Thursday April 13th 7:00 Build up Faith: read Revelation 20, 21, & 22

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Rev 21:24 Vulgate (Roman Catholic) Bible “And the nations shall walk in the light of it; and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor into it.”   How is this version unlike Rev 21:24 in the King James Version?



2.     How long will the torments in …the lake of fire and brimstone… last



3.     Name three things that will happen for …the thousand years… 



4.     Will …any thing that defileth… be able to enter heaven?



5.     When John …saw the dead, small and great…, where were they standing?




6.     What …is the second death?



7.     If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add… what?  …and if any man shall take away from the words…, God shall take away… what? 



8.    …the Spirit and the bride… extend an invitation.  What is the invitation?



9.     …that great city, the holy Jerusalem… shall last forever.  Is this statement true or false?



10.   What is the …tree of life…?  Where is the …tree of life… located in Revelation and Genesis?



Thursday April 13th 7:00 Build up Faith: read Revelation 17, 18, & 19

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of... what?



2.     What were the waters …where the whore sitteth…? 



3.     And a mighty angel took up a stone like a millstone, and cast it into the sea… What does this mean? 



4.     John wrote, And I fell at his feet to worship…  Who are we to worship?



5.     Could …one of the seven angels… tell John …the mystery of the woman… …drunken with the blood…?



6.     What do …all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven… do?



7.     …she hath glorified herself… …for she saith in her heart, I sit as queen…  What will happen to this self-proclaimed queen in one day? 



8.    What happens when the ten kings …give their power and strength unto the beast… and …make war with the lamb…?



9.     What happens to …that great city Babylon… …in one hour…? 



10.   What will …merchants… do when Babylon …shall be utterly burned…? 



Thursday April 6th 7:00   Build up Faith: read Revelation 14, 15, & 16

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What Happened as …the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates...?  Why?



2.     …them that had gotten the victory... and ...having harps of God... sang what two songs



3.     What do we learn about …a great earthquake…? 



4.     How many …sung as it were a new song before the throne…?



5.     …they gnawed their tongues for pain… yet there was one thing they would not do.  What would they not do?



6.     What shall any who …worship the beast and his image… drink?



7.     What sign did the apostle John see …in heaven, great and marvelous…? 



8.    When …the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun… what happened to men and how did they respond?



9.     Who are they who …have no rest day or night…? 



10.   And the temple was filled with smoke…  What caused the smoke in the temple



Thursday March 30, 7:00 Build up Faith: read Revelation 11, 12, and 13

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     The apostle John was told …measure it not… What was John told not to measure? 



2.     What color is the …dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads? 



3.     What is …the great dragon… …that old serpent… …called…? 



4.     Where is …his temple the ark of his testament… today?__________________________________________________________


5.     It is written, And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city… What is …the great city… …spiritually… …called…?



6.     …the dragon… …gave power unto… what?



7.     …a beast… rose …up out of the sea…  What name was on the beast’s …seven heads? 



8.    What must happen to …he that killeth with the sword…?



9.     What does Satan do …before our God day and night



10.   How long do the …two witnesses… …clothed in sackcloth… …prophesy? 




THURSDAY March 23rd 7:00 Build up Faith: read Revelation 8, 9, and 10

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What did the angel …clothed with a cloud: and rainbow was upon his head… …sware [the 1611 spelling of “swear”] about …time…


2.     When …he opened the bottomless pit…, what …arose… first out of the bottomless pit


3.     And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven… What is the name of the star? 


4.     What was the first thing to happen …when he [the Lamb] had opened the seventh seal…?


5.     Why was …an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe…?


6.     The first angel sounded… the trumpet.  What followed?


7.     What is …the angel of the bottomless pit… named? 


8.    Will those which were not killed… continue to …worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood…?


9.     The locusts were commanded not to …hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree… What were the locusts permitted to hurt? 


10.   …when the seven thunders had uttered their voices…, what was their message


​THURSDAY MARCH  16th 7:00  Build up Faith: read Revelation 5, 6, and 7

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     The angel …having the seal of the living God… came from what direction? 


2.     Who is he who …had a bow; and a crown… and …went forth conquering and to conquer? ___________________________________________

3.     …the four angels… were told …Hurt not the earth… …till we have sealed the servants of our God… Where were …the servants… sealed? 


4.     …a book [scroll]… …sealed with seven seals… was …in the right hand of him that sat on the throne…  Will there be computers in heaven?


5.     …I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth…  Is the earth square or round?


6.     What was the name of the one who …sat on… the …pale [fourth] horse?


7.     …they… …have washed their robes, and made them white… What made …their robes… …white…


8.     John …wept much… over the …book… …sealed with the seven seals.  Why did John weep?


9.     Why did they say …to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us…


10.   And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels…  How many



​THURSDAY MARCH  9th 7:00  Build up Faith: read Revelation 2, 3, and 4

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Could a church be …dead... and not know?     ______


2.     Is it possible that a person’s name might be blotted …out of the book of life…?



3.     …hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy _________.    


4.     What does he who …stand[s] at the door, and knock[s]… want?



5.    What did Jesus tell …the church at Thyatira… to …hold fast …?



6.     Describe …the fourth beast…



7.     What did God want …that woman Jezebel… to do? 



8.     What should we remember about …he that openeth… …and shutteth…?



9.     What did …the church of Ephesus… hate that Jesus hates? 




10.   Saying, we …have need of nothing… which church was ALL SET? 


THURSDAY MARCH  2nd  7:00 Build up Faith: 

read Philemon, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation 1

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Why was Onesimus …now profitable to... [Philemon] …and to… [Paul]?



2.     How was Apphia’s, Archippus’ and Philemon’s church like heritage Baptist Church in days gone by but unlike Heritage Baptist Church today?



3.     Who did John say was …prating [talking nonsense] against us with malicious words…? 



4.     He who denies …that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh… …is a _____ and an ______.


5.    John praised Gaius’ treatment of …the brethren, and… …strangers because?



6.     John wrote, And when I saw him [Jesus], I fell ____ ____ ____ ___ dead. ?



7.     Who is …in the midst of the seven candlesticks…



8.     In chapter 1 of Revelation, who did John say he was?



9.     Are we made …kings and priests…



10.   How do we know we will receive a blessing for reading Revelation? 



THURSDAY 7:00 Feb. 23rd Build up Faith: read John’s 1st epistle

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Why was …the son of God… …manifested…?




2.     What are the …three that bear witness in earth…?



3.     Is “God is love” scriptural? 




4.     Are God’s …commandments… …grievous [burdensome]…?



5.     In John’s 1st epistle, what did he identify as … the message… …heard from the beginning…?



6.     What …cleanseth us from all sin?



7.     Who did John identify as …a liar, and the truth is not in him



8.     How is God’s love …perfected in us?



9.     Why did John write …these things write we unto you…



10.   Why were the …young men… …strong…? 



 Thursday FEB. 16th Build up Faith: read Peter’s 2nd epistle

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     We have …a more sure word of prophecy…  From who did …the prophecy… come?



2.     What happened to …just Lot…?



3.     What did …the dumb ass [donkey]… do that was so amazing? 



4.     We …shall neither be barren nor unfruitful…, …if these things be in… us.  Name them.



5.    When Jesus comes again, will he …come as a thief in the night…?



6.     We are given …exceeding great and precious promises… to escape what?



7.     What is one of the greatest things about …new heavens and a new earth…



8.     Is the Holy Bible only given to those with the gift of …private interpretation…?



9.     Be careful -- who wrote Peter’s second epistle? 



10.   Can angels sin? 



Thursday Jan. 12 th 7:00 Build up Faith: read The First Epistle of Peter

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Where is …the hidden man… in Peter’s first epistle?



2.     Why is God waiting today as he also …waited in the days of Noah…?



3.     Who is …kept by the power of God…? 



4.     How and by what are we …being born again…?



5.    What are four things God will do …after that ye have suffered a while…?



6.     …a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence…  Over what do some people stumble?



7.     …all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility…  How does God treat …the proud…?  ___________________________________________________________


8.     What should we do if we …love life… and want to …see good days…/?



9.     Is …the ability which God giveth… the same for everyone? 



10.   The old crowd may …think it strange that ye run not with them…, but they …shall give account to… whom? 




THURSDAY January 5th 7:00 Build up Faith: read James

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     If there …Is any sick among… us, should we call for a faith healer?



2.     …If any of… us …lack wisdom…, what should we do?



3.     With God, what is …the friendship of the world…? 



4.     Abraham believed God… …and he was called the ______ __ ______.


5.     Where there is …envying and strife…, what else will also be there?



6.     We are able to tame …beasts, and… …birds, and… …serpents, and… …things in the sea…  What …can no man tame…?



7.     How many of the Ten Commandments (how much of …the whole law…) have you violated?  _____________________________________________________________________________


8.     Who does …God resisteth…?



9.     Why should we …Grudge [grumble] not one against another…



10.   Why would the …rich men, weep and howl…? 


THURSDAY 7:00 December 29th Build up Faith: read Hebrews 10, 11, 12, & 13

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Why is it good that we …Be not carried about with divers [varied] and strange doctrines[teachings]?



2.     Are we …strangers and pilgrims on the earth…?



3.     Why should you pray for the pastor, and …Obey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves…? 



4.     What happens to …those things which cannot be shaken…?



5.     Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but… …afterward it yieldeth…what?



6.     What did Abraham believe when he …offered up Isaac… his son?



7.     Why could Paul say …we have a good conscience…?



8.     Name one reason we may …draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith…?



9.     Why should we …entertain [show hospitality to] strangers…?



10.   What Old Testament story does God use to show us that our fleshly desire …for one morsel of meat… can get in the way of us taking the gift?____________________________________________________________________________


Thursday Dec. 22 7:00 Build up Faith: read Hebrews 7, 8, & 9

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Is the New Testament …a surety [guarantee] of a better testament?



2.     Who is our …high priest… and where is he …set…?



3.     Who …pitched [built]… …the true tabernacle…? 



4.     How did Moses know …the pattern… for …the tabernacle…?



5.     …a better covenant… was established upon… what?



6.     Why …after those days… shall they …not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother…?



7.     Where were …the tables of the covenant [the tablets with the 10 commandments]… kept? ____________________________________________


8.     Is there a difference in the blood of the Old Testament and the blood of the New Testament/?



9.     What did Moses do with …the blood of calves and of goats…



10.   How is the word “often” used in Hebrews, chapter 9? 




Thursday December 15th 7:00 Build up Faith: read Hebrews 4, 5, & 6

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Did God …rest the seventh day from all his works?



2.     Should we …labour therefore to enter into that rest…?




3.     For what was …every high priest taken from among men… …ordained…? 



4.     To what order of priesthood was Christ …called of God…?



5.     …as it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, ____________ not your ____________.


6.     What was it that the apostle Paul did not want you and me …to come short of…?



7.     Is it …impossible… …to renew… …those who were once enlightened… who …fall away…?



8.     Who is the …forerunner… and why is he called that?




9.     What does the earth do with …the rain that cometh oft upon it…?



10.   What did those who …ought to be teachers… need to be taught again?



THURSDAY Dec. 8th 7:00 Build up Faith: read Hebrews 1, 2, & 3

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Was …Christ Jesus… an …Apostle and High Priest…?



2.     Why were they …all their lifetime subject to bondage…?



3.     What human trait enables Christ …to succour [help] them that are tempted…? 



4.     What can …the deceitfulness of sin… do to a Christian?



5.     …whose carcases fell in the wilderness…, and why could they …not enter into his rest…?



6.     How is …so great salvation… …confirmed unto us…?



7.     And, Thou, Lord… …thou art the________...


8.     …bringing many sons unto glory… what is Jesus called? 



9.     For what two things did God anoint …the Son… …with oil of gladness…?



10.   Who are the …ministering spirits and why are they …sent forth? 




Build up Faith: read Titus

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Paul, a servant of God… …to Titus, mine own ______ after the common faith…


2.     Paul writes …for I have determined there to winter.  Where did Paul decide to spend the winter?



3.     Write the verse in chapter 3 that proves we are saved …not by works… 



4.     What are …The aged women… to …teach the young women…?



5.     What can happen to a person’s …mind and conscience…?



6.     …whose mouths must be stopped…?



7.     The apostle Paul, inspired by God, writes, For we ourselves were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.  Then, what happened to us?



8.     At the end of this epistle, who did Paul tell Titus to …greet…? 



9.     How has God …manifested his word…?.



10.   What is the “pattern” for …a bishop…? 




THURSDAY NOV. 17 7:00 Build up Faith: read II Timothy

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Of whom did the apostle Paul warn Timothy, he …did me evil… and …greatly withstood our words…?



2.     Who …refreshed… Paul and …was not ashamed of… his …chain…?



3.     What makes us …perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works…



4.     Why did Demas forsake Paul?



5.     What did ...Hymenaeus and Philetus... teach?



6.     Paul …was delivered out of the mouth of… what?



7.     Why could Paul say …the time of my departure is at hand…?



8.     Why should we be very careful not to get entangled …with the affairs of this life...? <