Hebrews 1-13 April 5 - May 10, 2018

April  5th 7:00 That all may learn: read Hebrews 1, 2, & 3

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Has God …spoken unto us…?



2.     Why did Jesus …not take on him the nature of angels; but… rather was made like unto his brethren …the seed of Abraham…?



3.     Was Moses …faithful in all his house…?    



4.     What two things are going to happen to …the earth; and the heavens…?



5.     how shall we escape… punishment for every sin and transgression?



6.    Could those people who believed not …enter into his [God’s] rest…?



7.     Who are …all the angels of God… to worship?



8.    In which verses of what chapter of Hebrews are verses 4-6 of Psalm 8 quoted?  



9.     What did those who …tempted… and …proved… God in the wilderness, not know?



10.     We are told …we ought… to listen carefully to the things we have heard…  Is it possible, if we do not listen carefully, that we might …slip… and drift away into false teachings?     



April 19th 7:00 That all may learn: read Hebrews 4, 5, & 6

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What must …the gospel preached… be …mixed with… to …profit… us?



2.     When we …come boldly unto the throne of grace… …we may obtain… …and find… what?



3.     Who must …have compassion on the ignorant…?  Why is this so important?    



4.     Why is it important to know the difference between …milk, and… …strong meat…?



5.     Is it impossible… for anyone to be saved?



6.    The Devil is a liar.  Is it possible …for God to lie…?



7.     What must we not do, if we …hear his voice…?



8.    Who is …the author of eternal salvation… 



9.     Was Abraham a patient man?



10.     Explain …the word of God… at work in our lives.     



April 26th 7:00 That all may learn: read Hebrews 7, 8, & 9

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …it is appointed unto men once to die… then what?



2.     Did God admonish [warn] Moses …to make the tabernacle… …according to… …pattern…?



3.     Is there a priest …who is made… …after the power of an endless life…?    



4.     What three objects are in …the ark of the covenant…?



5.     God is a God of mercy.  How do we know the Lord …will remember… our sins …no more…?



6.    It could be said …this Melchisedec… has three kingdoms.  Name them.



7.     Why is blood vitally important when dealing with sin and with the …remission… of sin?



8.    When the Lord …took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt… did they continue in his covenant?  



9.     Is our Lord Jesus able …to save... us …to the uttermost… and …make intercession for… us?



10.     Did …Levi also… tithe?     

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(May 3rd was our National Day Of Prayer)

May 10th 7:00 That all may learn: read Hebrews 10, 11, 12, & 13

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Now… what is …faith…?



2.     It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of… whom?



3.     …covetousness…is greediness; …covetousness… is an inordinate, excessive desire of gaining and possessing things, but God wants us to …be content with… what?    



4.     Sometimes mistakes and sins have lasting consequences.  What everlasting mistake did Esau make?



5.     The word faith… occurs how many times in chapter 11 of Hebrews?



6.    Is it possible for …the blood of bulls and goats… to take away our sins?



7.     Could we ever encounter an angel …unawares [without knowing it]?



8.    Who is referred to as …a consuming fire… 



9.     If they who …seek a country… …had been mindful of that country from whence they came out… what might have happened?



10.     What are we told about …the assembling of ourselves together…?     
