Book of Luke Bible Studies - Fall 2017


That all may learn: read Luke 1, 2, & 3

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …Sem [Shem]… …was the son of Noe [Noah]…  Who was Noah’s father?



2.     Did Joseph and Mary understand Jesus when our Lord told them …I must be about my Father’s business…?



3.     What would God give …to them that sit… …in the shadow of death…?    



4.   Who was King David’s grandfather?



5.     How many days was the child Jesus… separated from Joseph and Mary in Jerusalem?



6.    Who rejoiced with Elizabeth when she …brought forth a son…?



7.     What will happen to …every valley…, …and every mountain and hill… …and the crooked… …and the rough ways…?



8.     How did all they that heard… react to what the shepherds …told them concerning this[Christ] child…?



9.     Why did Luke …write unto… …Theophilus [which means “one who loves God”]… this gospel? 



10.     Who did …an angel of the Lord… say would turn …many… …to the Lord their God…? 




That all may learn: read Luke 4, 5, & 6

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Who builds a house …without a foundation…?



2.     Who said …The old is better…?



3.     …devils… … came out of many… What did Jesus not allow them to do?    



4.   Why is the person who is concerned about something …that is in… his …brother’s eye… a hypocrite?



5.     What was one of the first things a publican, named Levi… did after Jesus …said unto him,Follow me…?



6.    What was unique about …Naaman the Syrian…?



7.     Who was rebuked because the …the disciples plucked the ears of corn…?



8.     Who are Pastor’s favorite people?  Hint:  they pressed upon him [Jesus] by the lake of Gennesaret…?



9.     The devil said to Jesus …If thou… …wilt worship me, all shall be thine…  What did the devil offer our Lord Jesus? 



10.     What ailed …Simon’s wife’s mother [Peter’s mother-in-law]? 




That all may learn: read Luke 7, 8, & 9

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Is it possible for Christians, disciples of our Lord, to possess a …manner [kind] of spirit… that would …command fire… to …consume… a village?



2.     Who laughed at Jesus when …he said… Weep not… the maiden …is not dead, but sleepeth…?



3.     What lesson does the creditor’s forgiveness of …two debtors… teach us?    



4.   When he …took a child, and set him by him… what was Jesus teaching?



5.     Who was told …Return to thine own house, and shew [1611 spelling of the word “show”] how great things God hath done unto thee…?



6.    Who …rejected the counsel of God… and refused …baptism of… John?



7.     Did Jesus give …his twelve disciples… the …power and authority… …to cure diseases… before the day of Pentecost?



8.     Did Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna all have evil spirits and infirmities…?



9.     The elders of the Jews… said the Centurion …was worthy… to have his servant healed. What did the Centurion say about himself? 



10.     Did John the Baptist ever doubt Jesus? 



That all may learn: read Luke 10, 11, & 12

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What does Jesus say to …hypocrites… who …can discern the face of the sky…?



2.     Why is …the blood of Abel… mentioned in chapter 11?



3.     Who said …Go, and do thou likewise…?  Why did he say it?     



4.   Are we …better [more important] than the fowls…?



5.     Which part of our anatomy is …The light of the body…?



6.    Who are the many that have desired to see… …and to hear those things… the Lord’s disciples have seen and heard?



7.     What will happen to things …covered… …hid… …spoken in darkness… and …in closets…?



8.     What did …one of his disciples… ask the Lord to teach them? 



9.     Jesus said …The harvest truly is great, but… …pray ye for what?



10.     And the seventy returned again with… what? 



That all may learn: read Luke 13, 14, & 15

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     When told …Herod will kill thee…what did Jesus call Herod?



2.     Why does Pastor say the …elder son… was having a “pity party?”



3.     When is salt …cast… …out [thrown away]?       



4.   What did Jesus reply when asked …are there few that be saved…?



5.     When the woman lost one of her …ten pieces of silver… what did she do?



6.    Jesus taught that invited guests should sit not down in the highest room [the place of honor]…  What will happen to …whosoever exalteth himself…?



7.     …When thou makest [give] a dinner or a supper… who should be invited?



8.     Instead of questioning if …these Galileans were sinners… …or those eighteen, upon whom the tower… …fell… what should we do? 


9.     Why did Jesus say to …the ruler of the synagogue… …Thou hypocrite…?



10.     Why is there …joy in the presence of the angels of God…?  




That all may learn: read Luke 16, 17, & 18

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     What did …they which went before… ...a certain blind man… tell him?



2.     When …Lot went out of Sodom… who was destroyed by heaven’s …fire and brimstone…?”



3.     Did …the rich man… …in hell… pray?  What did he ask Abraham?       



4.   When Jesus …took unto him the twelve… did he tell them …they shall… …put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again…?



5.     How did a …beggar named Lazarus… get …into Abraham’s bosom…?



6.    How many of the ten lepers …turned back… to give glory to God…?



7.     And the lord said… …when the Son of man cometh, shall he find ________ on the earth?


8.     When the apostles had …done all those things which are commanded… what were they to say? 



9.     Why was …a steward… …called… to …give an account of… his     …stewardship…?



10.     Is a servant able to …serve two masters…?  



That all may learn: read Luke 19, 20, & 21

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     Might …cares of this life… cause …that day… to …come upon… us …unawares…?



2.     Who desired …to walk in long robes… and to sit …in the highest seats?



3.   When he …went into the temple… whom did Jesus begin …to cast out…?



4.     Will there …be signs in the sun… …moon… …stars …upon the earth… and …the sea…when Christ returns?    



5.     Did the wife of seven husbands have any children?



6.    A certain nobleman… was upset with the servant who had something …laid up in a napkin…What was in the napkin?



7.     What happened to the …goodly stones…  that adorned the temple?



8.     Jesus asked the …chief priests… …scribes… and elders… about …the baptism of John… Is it important who baptizes us, and is it important how, when, and where we are baptized?



9.     Who was the short man that …climbed up into a sycamore tree…? 



10.     The husbandmen had beaten the servants he sent.  Why did …the lord of the vineyard …send his …beloved son…? 



That all may learn: read Luke 22, 23, & 24

Check the answers: BIBLE study next Thursday


1.     …he lifted up his hands, and… …while he blessed them… what happened to Jesus?



2.     Who …went unto Pilate, and begged [for] the body of Jesus…?



3.     Who was …mocked… and …blindfolded… and …struck…?    



4.   …hath not… the risen Christ …flesh and bones…?



5.     Did the malefactors which were hanged… with Christ believe the three of them deserved to die?



6.    What happened to the …right ear… of …the servant of the high priest…?



7.     When the women …entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus…,  in one word, what was their reaction?



8.     What did …the whole multitude… tell Pilate that Christ was forbidding…?



9.     What does Jesus say about …him that betrayeth me…? 



10.     What did Jesus tell the disciples to pray about as they went …to the mount of Olives…? 
