Full Book of John - Questions & Answers

John 1, 2, & 3

  1. Exactly when did John the Baptist know Jesus was the Son of God (the Messiah)?


  1. Who was ...the friend of the bridegroom...?


  1. At the wedding feast, did anyone know from which well the stone ...waterpots... were filled?


  1. What can a person do to ...set to his seal that God is true...?


  1. Who sent John the Baptist? Why was he sent?


  1. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave himself for all humanity; were there some to whom he would not commit himself?


  1. From ...whence [where]... ...cometh... the wind?


  1. Will everyone love the light?


  1. When the Pharisees asked John the Baptist who he was, what did John reply?


  1. Does ...the wrath of God abideth on... everyone?




John 4, 5, & 6

  1. Who brought the lad who had ...five barley loaves, and two small fishes...?


  1. Jesus teaches us that ...the flesh profiteth nothing.... What does Jesus teach us about his words?


  1. Is our Lord Jesus Christ ...equal with God...?


  1. Jesus came in his ...Father’s name...; from whom did the Pharisees ...receive honor...?


  1. Were the disciples concerned about what Jesus ate (were they concerned about his diet)? What was Jesus’s ...meat...?


  1. What time of day did Jesus meet the ...woman of Samaria...? Did her husband accompany her?


  1. Does Jesus ever ...prove [test]... his disciples?


  1. Why would ...the twelve... not ...go away...?


  1. What does Jesus teach us about ...the Father’s will...?


  1. Did people rejoice in the light of John the Baptist ...for a season [a short time]...?



John 7, 8, & 9


  1. Why were the Jewish authorities amazed and perplexed when Jesus ...went up to the temple and taught...?


  1. Who ...condemned... the ...woman taken in adultery...?


  1. Why did our Lord Jesus Christ express urgency about ...the work of him that sent... him?


  1. Why didn’t ...the officers... bring Jesus ...to the chief priests and Pharisees...?


  1. What did Jesus say that prompted the Jewish authorities to question the truthfulness of his statements?


  1. How can we determine if we are spiritually blind?


  1. Were there some who attempted to use scripture to discredit Christ?


  1. Were Abraham’s descendants ...never in bondage to any man...?


  1. Whom did the Pharisees want ...the man that was blind... to praise?



  1. Who was wondering and why were they wondering if Jesus would kill himself?


John 10, 11, & 12


  1. Why would the chief rulers who believed on Jesus ...not confess him...?


  1. Why did many Jews go ...up to Jerusalem before the Passover...?


  1. Jesus did the works of His Father. What did these works show the people?


  1. For whom was the supper at Bethany prepared?


  1. Did the Pharisees think multitudes were going after [flocking to] Jesus?


  1. Why didn’t ...His disciples... want Jesus to ...go into Judea again... when Lazarus was ailing?


  1. When Martha and then Mary met with Jesus, where was Lazarus?


  1. Why will the sheep not follow a stranger?


  1. Who ...taketh... Jesus’ life from him?


  1. Why did some people say ...that it thundered...?




John 13, 14, & 15

  1. Did Peter mean it when he said to Jesus, ...I will lay down my life for thy sake...?


  1. Who ...put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot... ...to betray... Jesus?


  1. Are there those who are more accountable to God because they know ...the works none other man did...?


  1. Why is ...the branch... unable to ...bear fruit of itself...? ____________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What can we tell about ...he that hath... God’s ...commandments...?


  1. ...Lord... ...how can we know the way... to heaven? Aren’t there many ways?


  1. At the Last Supper, why did our Lord Jesus Christ wash the feet of the twelve disciples?


  1. How will the world respond to ...the Spirit of truth...?


  1. Does our Lord Jesus Christ desire that our ...joy might be full...?


  1. When he came, was ...the prince of this world... able to hold Jesus?






John 16, 17, & 18

  1. How many times does the phrase ...a little while... occur in John 16?


  1. Did our Lord Jesus Christ ever pray for you and me?


  1. Who brought Peter into the palace of the high priest?


  1. Although you and I will ...have tribulation..., what should we also have?


  1. What verse in John 17 affirms that Jesus desires us to be with him?


  1. Of what Passover custom did Pilate remind the Jewish leadership?


  1. Thinking they ...doeth God service... what did some people do?


  1. With whom is our Lord Jesus Christ communicating in John 17?


  1. Why did the entire band of soldiers fall to the ground?


  1. Who was the father of the high priest’s wife?



John 19, 20, & 21

  1. After John and Peter ...came... ...to the sepulchre..., where did they go?


  1. When the disciples came ashore, ...they saw... ...fish laid... on the ...coals... From whence [where] came the fish?


  1. What did our Lord Jesus Christ say when Pilate ...saith... ...I have power...?


  1. Was Peter supposed to know what was to become of the apostle John?


  1. Did ...many... read the sign Pilate put ...on the cross...?


  1. Did the disciples ...receive... ...the Holy Ghost...?


  1. What was the question that our Lord Jesus Christ ...saith unto... Peter?


  1. When Mary Magdalene ...cometh... ...early... ...unto the sepulchre..., did the day begin in the evening or the morning?


  1. When Pilate put on Jesus ...a crown of thorns... and ...a purple robe..., the Jews cried ...crucify him.... What reason did they give that ...he ought to die...?


  1. Why did ...one of the soldiers... pierce the side of our Lord Jesus Christ ...with a spear...?
